Questions for thought


Unveiling Artistry: The Forgotten Women Behind Doll’s Bedcover Craftsmanship

Bet you have crossed paths with the captivating quartet of unnamed women! Come on?! We can all agree they deserve to be named! Now, here’s the twist – what about the unnamed women artists? Let’s keep that in mind as we dive into the world of super-talented women artists. Some have got names, sure, but isn’t it time we shine a spotlight on those whose names may have been lost to time or overshadowed by history’s biases?

The Doll’s Bedcover, a testament to the artistry of Sarah Elizabeth and Mary Ann Pritt, brings forth the intriguing narrative of unnamed women artists in the world of textile crafts. As we marvel at the Ocean Waves pattern meticulously formed by tiny hexagons, we can’t help but wonder about the countless other artisans whose hands crafted beauty into existence, even if their names remain hidden. The challenge lies in unraveling the tales of these unsung heroines, as we celebrate the creativity that transcends anonymity and resonates through the ages. Share your thoughts in the link below!!

Sarah Elizabeth Pritt and Mary Ann Pritt. Doll’s Bedcover, 1830 AD-1840 AD. York Museum Trust. By Licence:CC BY-SA 4.0.

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